Sorry for the lapse in blog-writing.  I’m very lazy sometimes, especially when Matt has to work nights and no one’s around to judge me for lying in bed all afternoon (not that he judges me, just that I generally feel guilty about stuff).  I’m going to try to be more productive today – do the dishes, put away the clean clothes, make the bed, sweep the floor, straighten everything in general, do some laundry.  Probably should start – after I’m done with this – with a shower.

So we went on Monday to get the marriage license (!!!).

And we’re going on Friday to have it “solemnized.”  Not sure what else to call it.  We’re going to the county clerk’s office, and they have an arch decorated with fake flowers set up against a white wall for photo-ops…not horrible-looking, but still fairly tacky.  Oh well.  Also, they were having TACA last weekend in Centennial Park, so we went looking for rings.  At least HALF of the booths were jewelry!  We saw some interesting/weird/ugly/gaudy rings, but didn’t really find any we were interested in buying until the last booth.  We both ended up seeing one that we liked AND they were both about $40 – not bad!  I’m going to have the email the artist to see what the metals are since I completely forgot to ask her when we bought them.

So, yeah.  That’s mostly what’s happened in the last few days.  I’ll try to be better at blogging, which is to say, less lazy.


I have good and bad news. The bad is worse than the good short-term, but won’t last forever (or even much longer than a month, I think).

The bad news is that Matt has to work from 3:30 – midnight for the next month or so. Since I work the morning shift and usually get home around 2:45 or 3:00, this means that we’ll be able to see each other at midnight when he gets home and at 5:30 in the morning when I go to work. Not excited about this.

The good news, which is saving us $3000+ is that Lipscomb changed their Bible requirements this year, and I don’t have to take this class in order to graduate in December! They took care of canceling the loan and everything, so all I’ll have to do is pay the $195 graduation fee and then show up for graduation!

So. There you have it. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my free afternoons now. I could blog more or work on keeping the house clean. Or just read a ton. Or rent all the Neflix movies I know Matt doesn’t care about seeing. Hmm.

the good and the bad: a list

good things that have happened today!
-I haven’t been very headache-y

-the health inspector came and we got a 97!!!!! that’s a NINETY SEVEN! no criticals! he only found 3 things wrong!

-I called around to see what the protocol is for getting married at the county clerk office and at the courthouse. basically, if you do it at the county clerk’s, it’s only an option on Fridays from 8:30 to 11, and they charge a $40 fee on top of the (approximately) $100 to get the marriage license. if you do it at the courthouse, you have to make an appointment but the judge only asks that everyone make a donation to charity — no extra fee. it does, however, require driving downtown.

-I just ate a leftover piece of pizza which was amazing and makes me want pizza for dinner.

bad things that have happened today.
-I have to work out. even though I like being alive and healthy, I don’t like working out one little bit. or eating right, for that matter. hmph.

-the kitchen is a mess. this is not actually a bad thing that has happened to me, so maybe I should phrase it more like… I have to clean up the kitchen. (unless we have pizza for dinner! so maybe I should put this under the first category).

-I have a lot of reading to do for my class. this means that I’ll work out, then take a shower, then either clean the kitchen or try to talk Matt into having pizza, then read.

and, that’s all.

I want to take a nap again

I’m not used to this homework thing yet. I have a whole week to read the material, but I still have to be disciplined (curses!). I’ve been working 6 days/week lately because of management complications, and today’s my only day off this week. I woke up when Matt got up this morning, stayed awake long enough to make some breakfast, load the dishwasher, and watch the Daily Show. Then I went back to sleep for a while. Had to go in to work once I woke up to send in some paperwork that had to be sent in early this week, for some reason. Afterwards, I drove to Cafe Coco and then to Bongo Java after circling Louise Avenue a couple times and being unwilling to pay for parking. At Bongo, I happened to run into Amanda and sat with her for an hour or so. Which meant that I didn’t get all that much reading done. Almost finished the first essay.

And now I’m home, after drinking too much iced coffee and being unable to concentrate on reading. I want to take another nap. It’s so quiet and cool and comfortable…. This is why I’ve always been unsuccessful when it comes to doing homework at home. I always end up succumbing to my sleepiness and taking naps. For heavens sake. I guess I could make some tea and go outside. It IS kinda nice outside.

Not much new has happened. We went to Target last night to do the wedding registry thing. It was kind of fun, but it took a long time and we were hungry and tired. Had to get it done before anyone actually received their invitations though, which I mailed on Tuesday.

BTW, party in Nashville on October 9th. We will be married by then, though still don’t know when we’re actually going over there. We don’t actually know where the party will be yet, either; our house is really small though if the weather’s nice we could spend most of the time outside. The weather is a variable that shouldn’t be gambled on though, probably. Katie said we could do it at their house, Dawn said we could do it at her house, and Matt suggested doing it at Chris’s lake house. None of those are in Nashville, though. Katie’s in Joelton, Dawn’s in Murfreesboro, and the lake house is in McEwen (near Dickson). Probably the closest to our house is Joelton, but I’d still l like to come up with something closer if possible. So… stay tuned.

Okay… I should clean up the bedroom. If it’s clean, I won’t be nearly as inclined to curl up in bed and go to sleep. Matt’s going to make me work out when he gets home, anyway ( :/ ). And the room needs cleaning. Oh, the laziness………

I’m currently working on a red crocheted cardigan. We’ll see how it turns out.

As far as school goes, I’m pretty much 100% going to graduate this semester, unless something unforeseen happens which keeps me from completing the class. But I just have to throw that in, just in case. You never know. I think I’m even registered for graduation… need to double-check that, but I mailed my intent to graduate form the other day, so I should be all set.

AND the class is going to be INTERESTING!!!

In other news, we’re buckling down to get this marriage reception stuff planned. We have a date and are about to get invitations printed. I bought a box of 50 invitations at Michael’s but am going to have to go back today to get some more because the names keep piling up! (Which is to say, I forgot about all Matt’s family in East Tennessee.) Katie came over yesterday and took some pictures, and I’m waiting on her to email them to me so that I can get the invitations printed and pictures copied at the same time.

AND today we’re going to go register at Williams-Sonoma and probably tomorrow at Target. Not to be too materialistic, but the wedding showers and registering for gifts was what I always looked forward to the most about getting married. Eh heh. 🙂 Mom suggested that we register at Williams-Sonoma, too… though I don’t really expect to get too much from there. Ah well, won’t hurt!

Mark (my GM) is about to go on his honeymoon… for 11 days. Which means that I’m really hoping I won’t have to work any doubles, because working 6am to 10pm really sucks.

Oh well. Matt’s about to get home though, so I’ll wrap up.