Christmas tree!!

I know it’s still November, but I kind of give myself permission to start decorating for Christmas once Thanksgiving is over.

SO! I bought a Christmas tree today. Matt’s in class all afternoon, but he is a self-proclaimed humbug and didn’t want to help with any of the setup or anything. We’re having a Christmas party and he’s insisting on building a Festivus pole. (Which is fine with me of course.)

So I went to Lowe’s and found a big Douglas Fir and bought it and everything all by myself (still kind of a big deal). The quiet, nice older man who trimmed it and wrapped it for me helped me get it in my little Kia trunk. I took a picture for effect. It’s a small car.

Ha!  Getting it out was the hard part, as you can probably imagine.  But I did get it in and set up, and it looks great!

The Charlie Brown tree that we used last year is in the dining room.  🙂

and by the way –

Vlad snuck his little butt outside and got himself lost. He’s been gone for about 10 days now so we’ve pretty much given up looking for him. I posted a couple of ads on craigslist and went out looking for him a couple of times – but how are you supposed to find cats? It’s not easy. I hope that somebody found him and took him in, and that he’s well-fed and warm. Ah, well.

Bitey seems happier about it, though. He’s acting the way he used to act – privileged, spoiled, cocky, needy, and always whiny. Good thing he’s so cute!

Up early…

..because I had to drive Matt to work (we still only have one drivable car, but that’s not important). I have to close later today, but it’s just as well since Matt has class all day long anyway. Don’t think I mentioned, but Vanderbilt is sending him to electrical school to get some kind of license…journeyman’s, maybe? He does that two nights a week and will be done in two years, I think.

But anyway, so I’m awake. Our friends, Chris and Nita, gave us a beautiful pine entertainment center, and we moved it yesterday. They just wanted to get rid of it to do something new with their living room – it takes up a LOT of space and kind of dominated the area. But I think it looks great here. It’s three separate parts – the center, where the TV is supposed to go. Then it has two bookcases on each side, both set back about a foot from the front of the center piece. Anyway, so we put the two bookcases into the dining room and have the center in the living room. And I LOVE it. It looks so great with the rest of the furniture, etc.

So this is the middle.  You can’t tell how deep it is in this picture, but it’s at least three feet I’d say.

And, here in the dining room, are the two other pieces.  I had to take down some of the pictures to make room, which is why there are a few on the table.

Our gaming and liquor cabinets.  Game days will be even more fun now!