Quilt brainstorming

Have been itching to start a new quilt lately.  The last one I made was the baby-sized quilt for A/M/M as a Christmas present, and that’s been a while ago now.

I would love to learn how to make landscape quilts — they are just some of the most gorgeous pieces of art I’ve ever seen.

Jill Jansen landscape quilt  I like the idea of using the "window framing" around the viewArt Quilt  Small Town by BozenaWojtaszek on Etsy

Etc.  Aren’t these beautiful??  I pinned some even more stunning examples on my Sewing Ideas Pinterest board, but these are the two that I’d most like to try to copy.

So, I found a cheap copy of Yonder on Amazon and bought it.  This book has so many gorgeous landscape illustrations, and right now I think that it would just be wonderful if I could copy one as a quilt.  While the book is shipping, though, I need to practice some techniques.  A couple of nights ago, I tried doing some curved sewing and it wasn’t as easy as I was hoping, so I need more practice.

I also found this website which offered a lovely technique…but as you can see from the pictures below (taken over my lunch break so it’s not like I tried all THAT hard), I need to work on it.

art quilting tutorial

(Top is the goal – click on image for the link)

And these are my pictures.  I obviously need some sheer fabric for this – lace and almost-sheer white fabric are not cutting it.

quilt 1 quilt 2

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I'm a young, childless widow who is trying to figure out the best way to deal with the world in light of my late husband's suicide. It's harder than I ever imagined it would be, but somehow at the same time I am still alive and even happy sometimes.

2 thoughts on “Quilt brainstorming”

  1. I don’t entirely hate using lace as the sheer top layer! But the Quilt Routes tutorial was amazing—wow. I’m so bad at free-handing straight lines with a machine though—I’d need practice too. Can’t wait to see how the Yonder illustrations direct your ideas!


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